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Updated NSW Health Advice – Updated 17 December 2021

Updated NSW Health Advice – Updated 17 December 2021

Dear residents, families and carers of residents at Peninsula Villages,


The COVID-19 situation in NSW is rapidly evolving. This is the due to the Omnicron variant and a relaxation of the restrictions.


At Peninsula Villages, we are following the health advice from the local and national health departments but also balancing that with trying to minimise the risk of any resident at Peninsula Villages becoming infected. Unfortunately, the way the situation is evolving, we are concerned regarding the increased risk of COVID-19 infection and the inevitability of rising numbers in the community and the effect on Peninsula Villages.


The advice from NSW Health is that as a resident, you may leave the facility for social visits. I realise with Christmas coming, that many of you have events coming up that you will wish to attend.


Visitation to Pam Palmer House will recommence from midday Friday 17 December.


As a visitor, you are able to visit the facility as long as you strictly meet the criteria that have been in place for the past few weeks. If you’d like to review that advice it can be found here.


However, to try and minimise the risk to yourself and the residents here, I would request that you carefully consider if it is necessary and safe to leave the facility as a resident, or visit the facility as a visitor.


We know how important it is to keep in contact with your loved one so we are continuing to offer Zoom and FaceTime calls and encourage you to use them instead of visiting.  If you would like to book a call, please use the following Zoom links below or contact your Wellbeing Co-ordinator for other options.


Don Leggett House


Maddison ext. 711


Pam Palmer House


Pat ext. 703


Pozieres House

Judy ext. 702

If at all possible, we would like you to carefully consider what is the safest way to minimise the risk to yourself or your loved one.


If you do choose to visit the facility, please ensure you check in with reception prior to entering and wear a mask at all times and practise hand hygiene. If you have any signs or symptoms please do not visit the facility. Instead be tested and wait for your result.


If you have any signs or symptoms as a resident, please stay in your room and use your call bell to ring for staff.


Thank you for ongoing patience and care. We realise that it’s a particularly difficult time with Christmas approaching, but please know, that every decision we make, is centred around consideration of the wellbeing of our residents.

Kind Regards
