Your Life, Your Choice, Our Communities

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Updated NSW Health Advice – Updated 26 August 2021

As of 28 August 2021

Visiting restrictions remain in place at Peninsula Villages, according to the orders from the NSW Department of Health:


Please check their website for more details and updates:


“All areas of NSW are currently under stay at home Orders.

Greater Sydney still includes Wollongong and the Blue Mountains. From 23 August 2021 Shellharbour and Central Coast LGAs are not included in Greater Sydney.

There are new close and casual contact locations in Greater Sydney and also in regional NSW areas. To view locations please see Latest COVID-19 case locations and alerts in NSW.

There are active cases in New Zealand with contact tracing locations of interest

Victoria, Queensland and the Australian Capital Territory are considered affected areas.

There are restrictions for people who have been in Victoria and the Australian Capital Territory from 5 August 2021 and there are close and casual contact places of high concern.

This information can change rapidly so please check the web at least daily for updates.


Visitors to Aged Care Facilities:

All facilities must:

  • exclude all visitors, except those providing essential caring functions and end of life visits.
  • ensure that all essential care visitors wear a surgical mask. For reasons when masks can be removed please see Additional Advice.
  • ensure all essential visits must be in the resident’s room.


Essential visitors must not enter an RACF at all if they:


  • have been to any close, casual or monitor for symptoms locations in NSW in the last 14 days
  • have been to Victoria or the Australian Capital Territory since 5 August 2021 unless providing essential caring functions or for end of life visits.
  • have been to any close and casual contact places of high concern in Victorian, Queensland or the Australian Capital Territory.
  • have been in New Zealand in the last 14 days
  • have COVID-19 symptoms – fever (37. 5°C or higher) or symptoms of COVID-19.
  • are a close contact of a person with confirmed COVID-19 and are within their isolation period.
  • live in a household with a person who is currently isolating.
  • are waiting for a COVID-19 test result.

Please read Exceptional circumstances for visiting a RACF.


  • Residents should not leave the facility except for essential reasons (eg medical appointments).
    • Facilities must ensure that residents are provided with appropriate PPE and infection control advice if they need to leave the facility for essential purposes.”

We understand how difficult this time is for our residents who are unable to see their families and loved ones. Our staff are doing everything they can to keep our residents safe and well.

Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.